I’ve taken my expertise as a Personal Trainer, Coach, wife, mom, career women, and sinner.

Collected all the things that have worked for me and my clients over the last 15years to live a DOPE ASS LIFE and created this website to offer them to you!!

Liv’n a dope life!

Go from surviving to THRIVING!

You are wildly capable and already have everything you need to live a DOPE ASS life. My goal is to shine light on those innate qualities you possess and guide you to build your own FUCK YEAHS in your day to day life.

Whether that’s through personal development, weight training, food prep, weekly planning or organizing your life to fit it all in, I got you!

Like an oyster, life can be filled with pearls, but you gotta be willing to get dirty and deal with the thigh high mud and slim to find it.

With all life’s challenges I have learned that after the dirt is washed away, the tears are wiped dry, and the cuts scar… the lessons learned are always worth the ick.

I am here to share my personal lessons that I have learned with you, along with my years of education and training in hopes to help you go through yours with trust and ease with yourself with REAL tools to support you in the real life you live day in and day out!

Today is like no other! It is yours to do with whatever you choose. My hope is you choose JOY most of all.


How can I support you?

Not every hurdle in life is the same. Some seasons the nutrition is banging, but the mindset is slipping. Where other seasons it’s the workouts that are winning, but the food has fallen off. Or maybe nothing is working and you just needs some guidance! Or everything is on point, you just want to celebrate with someone and keep the fire stoked!

See All Services »

What Is a Dope Ass life?

I am no scholar, shit I am not even good with words or how to properly put them to gether to make a sentence, but what I do know is that life is precious as hell. There are no redo’s, your either living or you’re NOT and you don’t even have to stop breathing to not be living, you could simply be surviving and babe that is no way to be living your one and only chance at this thing we call life!


My life is bonkers and unpredictable, which makes me want to stay isolated and put my head down and drive forward alone, but I know for my soul I need connection with you whether that’s via email blogs, weekly meet ups over ZOOM or in person and a hang out or retreat! It takes a village.

Follow my IG for any upcoming events »



To be the real deal. To support women through all the stages of life, from my experiences, my education, my heart and through my actions.


Take my hand and together the world is yours to

IN JOY not just live survive!


Why Sarah?

Here’s what a few of my clients want you to know what it’s like in my masterminds, classes, session, and around my table of like minded women.